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1. Research on landscape plan and landscape design

 The design of urban landscapes is carried out through the integrated design coordination of architecture, civil engineering and landscape, which is used in urban planning in many countries around the world. We have conducted research in Italy (landscape planning, historic center, streets, squares and open cafés), the UK (historic landscape characterisation HLC, landscape character assessment LCA), France (landscape planning), Germany (landscape planning, urban regeneration, wind farm zoning), and EU urban and environmental policy. In our laboratory, we are conducting comparative research on the role and methods of landscape design in recent city planning.
 On the other hand, I am also conducting practical research on landscape design in Japan, for example developments at the Kashiwa Station and Kashiwa
-no-ha Station in Chiba Prefecture. Currently, I am researching landscape design for facilities related to the Tokyo Olympics and the surrounding environment, and landscape design for urban development in Nagoya and Toyota City.

2. Research on community design, environmental rights and community development with participation

 We are considering urban development that fosters community based on participation. Landscape is an environmental concept deeply related to communities. What we would like to focus on now is the relationship between 'environmental rights' and 'hometown landscapes'.
 Environmental rights, as described in Europe, are considered to consist of three elements: 1) the right to know about the environment, 2) the right to participate in planning relating to the environment, and 3) the right to bring any environmental problems to court. We believe that research on environmental rights can improve the environment in Japan, from community planning to institutions with the participation of local residents, and we are promoting research on community design using landscape.


3. Research on SDGs, energy environment, smart cities, sustainable planning and resilience

 If we are to think about the future city, we need new research that takes into account the energy environment. For example, research for the smart cities and renewable energy generation is important for sustainable urban planning. It is also important to study 'resilience' through landscape planning, which aims to harmonize landscapes and renewable energy facilities, and land use planning, which balances the protection of natural landscapes and disaster prevention. We conduct international research on landscape planning and environmental evaluation methods to resolve the sustainability and resilience of Japanese cities and landscapes. The richness of the landscape environment is essential for life, and we aim to balance landscape conservation and creation, and link this to sustainable development and its goals (SDGs).


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